Accommodation / Tenancy
Accommodation / Tenancy
Independent Community Support Services offers you the best possible services and assistance for accommodations and tenancy obligations. The NDIS describes Assistance with Accommodation and Tenancy Obligations as support to guide, prompt, or undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains and retains appropriate accommodation.

We are to help NDIS participants locate, afford and maintain housing that accommodates their needs so that they may live as independently as possible. Accommodation/tenancy will assist the participant to apply for rental tenancy and will also help you fulfill your obligations as a tenant.

For those participants looking for assistance and support for any and all things accommodation, we’ve got you covered. While not an exhaustive SDA list by any means, here’s an outline of the main ways we can support you with your accommodation or tenancy needs.

Specific support may include:

  • Case planning
  • Individual assessments
  • One on one support
  • Help with capacity building
  • Creating short term/long term housing goals
  • Help with rental applications
  • Help with budget planning
The main goal of accommodation/tenancy is to enhance the participants ability to access safe, sustainable housing solutions suited to their unique requirements. We will assist you at each and every step keeping in mind your requirements and goals.
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